Miscellaneous parameters page

This page contains the miscellaneous parameters related to the operation.


In this field you can enter a message that will be displayed in the generated GCode file.

Extra parameters

This section enables you to define extra parameters that are not needed for the calculation of the tool paths but are needed for GCode generation (e.g. Gear that defines whether the gear should be High or Low). These parameters are defined in the User-Defined Parameters section of the VMID file.

If you prefer working with a larger window, the Flyout Window option displays the Operation Options window.  

The Operation options dialog box is displayed with the additional parameters defined in the postprocessor.

The way these parameters are then passed to the GCode file is defined through the *.gpp file for the particular controller.

Point interpolation

This option provides the ability to create intermediate points by splitting long linear motions.

Using this option, SolidCAM enables you to perform interpolation for the linear tool movements. When this option is active, a new interpolated tool position is defined at each distance, defined by the Interpolation for distance parameter. For example, when the linear tool movement is performed from 100, 0, 0 to 0, 0, 0 and the Interpolation for distance option is used with the value of 10, SolidCAM adds 9 tool positions between the start and end positions (90, 0, 0; then 80, 0, 0; etc.).


Related Topics

  1. Operation interface