Operation interface


The Technology box displays the chosen technology according to the operation type.

Operation name

The Operation name box displays the operation name and enables you to choose another already existing operation as a template.


The Template box enables you to save the current operation as a template and to load another already existing template.


Clicking the Info icon displays a window that contains summary information of the operation.

Visual tools

The Machine Preview icon enables you to display the Machine Preview dialog box to quickly visualize the schematic position of the machine devices without entering the Machine Simulation mode.

The Show tool near mouse icon enables you to display the tool directly on the solid model, while it follows the mouse movements.

Parameters pages and illustration

The list on the left side of the dialog box enables you to switch between the following parameters pages:

  • Geometry

This page enables you to define the geometry for the operation.

  • Tool

This page enables you to define the tool for the operation.

  • Levels

This page enables you to define the machining levels for the operation.

  • Technology

This page enables you to define the technological parameters such as roughing and finishing data, work type, etc.

  • Link

This page enables you to define linking–the way how the tool approaches the material and retreats away.

  • Misc. parameters

This page contains the miscellaneous parameters related to the operation.

In the bottom left corner of the dialog box, the illustration of a currently selected interface element is displayed to facilitate the definition of the corresponding parameter. The illustration changes dynamically when you hover the mouse pointer over various parameters.

Operation icons

At the bottom, the operation icons are located. These icons enable you to save and calculate the operation, start its simulation, etc.

Minimizing operation dialog box

To facilitate viewing the graphic area during your work with the Operation dialog box, the dialog box can be minimized.

Do one of the following:

  • Double-click the dialog box title bar

  • On your keyboard, press the Ctrl + Shift hotkey