Define Feed Points dialog box

The Feed Points tab is available in Turning operation when on the Technology page the option of Finish/Semi-Finish is selected. In a Cutoff Operation the Feed Points tab is enabled by default.

SolidCAM enables you to customize the Feed rate inside a single turning tool path. You can define a number of points on the Profile geometry used in the Turning operation where the Feed rate value will be changed. This feature enables you to improve the turning productivity and increase the wear resistance of the tool.

Select/Unselect enables you to switch between the Select and Unselect modes to define or remove points where the feed rate changes.  

Undo deletes or restores the last selection.

You can specify the chain in the profile geometry using the combo box with the profile number and the Next Profile button.

The Points table contains information about selected feed rate changing points.

  • Profile No. - the Profile geometry chain number.
  • X,Y,Z – the coordinates of the profile at the specified point.

  • Feed - the Feed rate value defined at the specified point.  

When the Define Feed Points dialog box is displayed, the profile geometry of the current turning operation is highlighted. Select the feed rate change point on the profile. The data of the picked point will be displayed in the Points table. In this table, you can assign a new Feed rate value to the defined point. Click Delete to delete a single point or a group of points.

In the Cutoff Operation, the Control speed by diameter section enables you to slow down before total cut off using:

- Define feed points to change the feed according to the X-Coordinate(s)

- Control speed by diameter to change the feed and spin upon reaching the defined diameter(s)