Technology page

This page enables you to define the technological parameters of the machining.

The 3D Milling Operation interface offers all three machining types - Rough, Semi-Finish and Finish Milling - in one dialog box. This enables you to perform all machining operations in one operation. You need to add another operation only if the tool, the milling levels or the working area is going to change from one operation to another.

Rough machining

Rough milling removes the bulk of material surrounding the 3D Model. The material is removed on Z-levels controlled by the Operation Upper level, Surface offset and Step down values. To remove large amounts of material, large tools, small feeds and low tolerances are usually used.

Fillet size for last cut

This option enables you to add a radius to a sharp corner without changing the geometry.

Semi-finish machining

Semi-finish machining prepares the model for finishing. After semi-finishing the model, a uniform offset remains on the material. This offset is removed in the last finishing cut. In contrast to rough operations, in conventional semi-finishing operations higher feed rates and narrower tolerances are applied.

The same machining strategies in Finish machining can be applied for semi-finishing. They only differ in one additional parameter, Surface offset, that controls the X, Y and Z offset that remains on the original surface. Otherwise, all strategies are defined and used in the same way as in finishing.


Finish machining generates the tool path directly on the surfaces and solids of your 3D Model geometry. No offset can be specified and the model will be machined to its final topology and dimensions. You can apply a number of different machining strategies to finish your models. Each one of the strategies offers parameters to adjust the strategy to your needs.