Defining the Profile/Pocket geometry

Open chain

Closed chain

Closed chain

Closed chain with island

Chains for Profile Milling can be either open or closed. You can machine one or more profiles in a single operation.

Chains for Pocket Milling must be closed. The first chain defines the contour of the pocket. All closed chains inside the first chain of each pocket are automatically treated as pocket islands. Overlapping chains are milled as separate pockets, not as islands. To select multiple pockets with islands, continue adding chains to the geometry.


  1. Using the Geometry Edit dialog box, select a chain to define the geometry.

  1. In the case of an open chain, confirm the chain definition with the button.


  1. In the case of a closed chain, confirm the chain definition by clicking Yes when prompted with the following message:

  1. When you have completed the geometry definition, confirm the Geometry Edit dialog box with the button.