MAC Position menu

The right-click menu on Machine Coordinate System Position enables you to check and edit the MAC parameters.

In SolidCAM Manager, right-click the MAC x (y-Position) header.

The following commands are available:


This command displays the selected Machine Coordinate System directly on the solid model and rotates the model to isometric view according to this Coordinate System.

The same result can be reached, when you double-click the CoordSys entry, if the auto-rotate option is chosen in the SolidCAM Settings.


This command enables you to rename the chosen Coordinate System.


This command enables you to change the data of an existing Coordinate System. It also enables you to change the CoordSys position.


This command displays the CoordSys Data dialog box and enables you to view the relevant information about a particular Coordinate System position, but you cannot edit the data.

Check Synchronization

This command enables you to check for synchronization of the coordinate system.


This option enables you to synchronize the coordinate system, if necessary.

Select operations using the same MAC

This command enables you to select all operations that use the same MAC as the chosen one. This option is useful for applying transformation to all operations created with the same MAC.