Simulation toolbar

The toolbar enables you to control the simulation in the SolidVerify and Quick SolidVerify simulation modes.

Available buttons:

Fit to window

This button fits the CAM-Part to the entire screen.

Fit by box

The area you want to view in the simulation screen is defined by box.


This button moves the CAM-Part to any point on the screen.


When you click this button, the model can be rotated.


When you click this button, the image on the screen can be zoomed in/out.


Selection mode

The Selection mode enables you to select the solid bodies in the graphic area. The selected body will be highlighted. The right-click menu is available for the each selected solid body.


The Measurement function enables you to measure distances directly on the solid bodies in the SolidVerify window. This enables checking the linear dimensions of the part during simulation.

Light control

This button enables you to use the left button of the mouse to change the light source on the solid model in the Simulation mode.

To change the light source, click in the graphic area and drag the cursor around within the bounds of the view.

Region of interest

These buttons enable partial display of the simulated workpiece to focus on certain areas that can be specified.

The button displays the Region of interest dialog box that enables you to set the boundaries of the area you need to watch closely.

In the Box section, you can specify the coordinates of the upper and the lower planes of the boundary box that limits your region of interest.

Selecting the Show Region of Interest boundaries check box displays the edges of the box that limits your region of interest.

The button disables the partial display mode.

View buttons

These buttons enable you to view the CAM-Part in the top, left, back, bottom, right or front views.

Render mode

This button displays a shaded view of the model.

The part will be displayed in the chosen mode (Render, Hybrid, Wire, or Hidden line) next time you play the simulation.

Hybrid mode

This button displays a transparent view of the model.

Wire mode

This button displays the CAM-Part and tool movements in the wireframe mode.

Hidden line mode

This button displays the CAM-Part and the tool movements in the hidden-line wireframe mode.


This button refreshes the screen, but does not rebuild the part.

This option is generally used when you select the Compare target and machined stock and click Execute. The button refreshes the screen whilst the Target and Machined Stock Compare Options dialog box is still open.   

Show/Hide Machined Stock

This button toggles the display of the machined stock model.

Load Target fast using CAD facetting

This icon enables you to load the target model with the tolerance value defined in the CAD model. The target is loaded faster, but visualization can be not accurate.

Load Target using CAM facetting

This icon enables you to load the target model with the tolerance value defined in the CAM model. The target is loaded slowly, and visualization is more accurate than with CAD facetting.

Show/Hide Target

This button toggles the display of the target model.

This button is disabled if you have not chosen the facetting type of the target model loading (CAD/CAM).

Show/Hide Rest Material

This button toggles the display of rest material on the machined stock model.

This button is disabled if you have not chosen the facetting type of the target model loading (CAD/CAM).

Split Rest Material

This option displays the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box.

This dialog box enables you to switch between split pieces of rest material during the simulation.

Show/Hide Gouges

This button toggles the display of gouges on the target model.

Split Gouges

This option displays the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box.

This dialog box enables you to switch between split solids during the simulation and to remove the pieces of material that have been cut away during the machining.

Compare target and machined stock

This option enables you to compare the machined stock model and target model and assign different colors to different rest material areas, depending on the value of the difference between the machined stock model and the target model.


  1. Set the difference values and colors in the Target and Machined Stock Compare Options dialog box.
  2. Click Execute to show the comparison.
  3. Click OK to exit.

This button is disabled if you have not chosen the facetting type of the target model loading (CAD/CAM).

Show/Hide Tool

This button toggles the display of the tool during simulation.

Show/Hide Holder

This button toggles the display of the tool holder during simulation.

Show/Hide current home

This button toggles the display of the coordinate system used in the current operation.

Show/Hide Fixture

This button toggles the display of the Fixture during simulation. When the Fixture is displayed, the system automatically checks for possible gouges.

Split/Unsplit Machined Stock

This option displays the Show/Hide Split solids dialog box.

This dialog box enables you to switch between split stock solids during the simulation.

Activate/Deactivate initialization of machined stock

This button enables you to calculate and use the Updated Stock model for the simulation of the chosen operations.

When this option is not chosen, SolidCAM performs the simulation of chosen operations on the Stock model.

When this option is chosen, SolidCAM performs the simulation of chosen operations on the Updated Stock model.

Multicore support

This option enables you to perform multicore calculation of the simulation. It means that the CPU performance of your computer is optimized in such a way that allows simultaneous calculation of different elements by different central processing units (cores). In this case, the animation is faster, but looks less accurate.