Simple slot

This ToolBox Cycles strategy enables you to perform the one-pass machining of the slots with the width equal to or smaller than double diameter of the tool. The geometry consists of two chains (walls of the slot); the first chain defines the direction of the cutting. The machining is performed in cutting passes extended over the slot along the geometry. SolidCAM maintains the same cutting direction (either climb or conventional) during the machining.

Geometry definition

The strategy provided by this sub-operation can be performed only on a pair of open chains; accordingly, the geometry should contain at least two open chains. The geometry containing only closed chains is considered as unsuitable. The geometry containing only one open chain is considered as unsuitable. The geometry containing more than one open chain is considered as suitable. The mixed geometry containing a number of open and closed chains is considered as suitable, if there are more than one open chain. In such geometry, all the closed chains are ignored during the tool path calculation. When the geometry contains an odd number of open chains, the last chain (not included into a pair of chains) will be ignored.

This sub-operation is intended to perform the open slot machining. The open slot shape should be chosen in the manner as shown below.

When the geometry is defined, SolidCAM chooses the first and the second open chains and forms the first pair. The machining of the first slot will be performed using this pair of chains. All the other chains are divided into pairs similarly.

For each such pair, the direction of the first chain is determined. This direction defines the direction of the machining. The machining is performed between two chains in the climb manner. The direction of the second chain is ignored.

The ideal slot shape intended to be machined with this sub-operation consists of two equidistant walls.

The example below illustrates the shape that is not intended to be machined with this sub-operation, therefore choosing such geometry can cause errors during tool path calculation.

Technological parameters


SolidCAM enables you to perform the open slot machining in a number of cutting passes distributed along the tool axis.

Step down

The distance between two successive cutting levels is defined by the Step down parameter. The Equal step down option enables you to define a number of evenly distributed cutting levels. SolidCAM automatically calculates the actual step down to keep an equal distance between all passes, while taking into account the specified Max. Step down value so that it is not exceeded.


During the machining, the tool path is extended over the slot entrance and exit in order to perform the approach to the cutting area from the outside and exit from the material at the end of the slot. The Extension section enables you to define the tool path extension either by percentage of the tool diameter (the % of tool diameter option) or by value (the Value option).


This section enables you to define Wall and Floor offsets for the sub-operation. The Wall offset is applied to the walls of the slot; the specified offset is left unmachined during the current sub-operation. The Floor offset is applied to the floor of the slot; the specified offset is left unmachined during the current sub-operation. When the Floor offset value is specified, SolidCAM performs the machining by the Z-levels defined with the Step down parameter. The machining is performed until the Floor offset level.


The Wall finish option enables you to perform a final finishing pass cleaning the walls. You can specify the Step down value in a separate field.

Tool path calculation

During the tool path calculation, SolidCAM determines the area between two chains and the direction of the first chain. The direction of the first chain defines the side of the slot where the penetration into the material will be performed.

At the next stage, the first cutting pass is generated along one of the geometry chains. The chain choice is performed to maintain the climb direction of the cutting. This cutting pass performs the machining of one of the slot walls.

The extensions are applied to this cutting pass in order to move the tool over the slot boundaries at the beginning and at the end. Similar cutting pass is generated for the second wall of the slot, the direction of this cutting pass is opposite.

The end of the first cutting pass and the beginning of the second cutting pass are connected with a direct tool movement. Radii are automatically applied into these connection points in order to smoothen the tool path.