Roll into closed slot

This ToolBox Cycles strategy enables you to machine a closed slot starting from the slot center to the walls, while rolling in the material with an arc movement.

Geometry definition

The list of available geometries contains only suitable geometries.

The strategy provided by this sub-operation can be performed only on open chains; accordingly, the geometry should contain at least one open chain. Geometry direction determines the machining direction.

Technological parameters

Step down

The distance between two successive cutting levels is defined by the Step down parameter. The Equal step down option enables you to define a number of evenly distributed cutting levels. SolidCAM automatically calculates the actual step down to keep an equal distance between all passes, while taking into account the specified Max. Step down value so that it is not exceeded.

Approach distance

This parameter enables you to control the way the tool approaches the slot. The tool descends vertically from the safety distance into the Approach point and then it performs the movement in XY plane.


This section enables you to define Wall and Floor offsets for this sub-operation. The Wall offset is applied to the wall adjacent to the flattened surface; the specified offset is left unmachined during the current sub-operation. The Floor offset is applied to the floor of the flattened surface; the specified offset is left unmachined during the current sub-operation. When the Floor offset value is specified, SolidCAM performs the machining by the Z-levels defined with the Step down parameter. The machining is performed until the Floor offset level.


During the machining, the tool path is extended over the slot entrance in order to perform the approach to the cutting area from the outside. The Extension section enables you to define the tool path extension either by percentage of the tool diameter (the % of tool diameter option) or by value (the Value option).

Wall finish

The Wall finish option enables you to perform a final finishing pass cleaning the walls. You can specify the Step down value in a separate field.


If the Compensation check box is selected, the tool radius compensation options G4x of the CNC-controller are used in the GCode.