ToolKit Search Filter options

SolidCAM ToolKit offers an extensive range of simple and advanced filters that can be used to facilitate component searches.  SolidCAM dynamically displays the filter results in the Part Tool table.  

The on the Filter icon indicates that no filters have been applied.

Simple Filters  

Clicking the Filter arrow icon displays the options for filtering components.

Using the drop-down list, you can select:

Cancel Filter to clear any active filters.

 Milling Tools to display only Milling Cutter Components.

Turning Tools to display only Turning Cutter Components.

Tools used in operation to display only the tools used in operations of the current CAM-Part.

Unused Tools to display the Storage tools and the tools that were not used in operations of the current CAM-Part.

Tools used in suppressed operation to display only the tools used in suppressed operations of the current CAM-Part.

Advanced Filters  

Click Advanced Filter , the Search in: ToolTable.tlp dialog box is displayed to enhance the Tool search process using conditions. This dialog box enables you to search and filter components of specific criteria using various parameters, conditions and options. In the Search in dialog box, you can filter every single aspect of the Tool parameters.

  1. The options accessible for Simple Filters are also available in Advanced Filters
  2. A list of Tools, Cutters, Shanks and Holders are available for filtering in the Left side of the Search in dialog box.

  1. When no filter is applied, all the Tools are displayed in the Part Tool Table.

  1. Clear the check box for the Cutter. You will observe that there are no Tools displayed in the Part Tool Table.

  1. If you want to apply filter in the Cutters section, expand the Milling section of Cutters tree to view all types of Milling tools. There is a list of - Milling, Turning Solid Tools, Insert, Drilling and Specials type of cutters.

  2. The numbers within the brackets specify the following : The denominator indicates the total number of tools available and the numerator indicates the number of tools filtered. For eg.    

In the image above End Mill(2/3) -  The denominator 3 represents total End Mills available. The numerator 2 represents the number of End Mills filtered. After filtering, the 2 filtered End Mills are displayed in the Part Tool table.

  1. You can filter the Tool Parameters using the following expressions:

  • = (equal)
  • > (greater than or equal to)
  • < (smaller than or equal to)
  • > (greater than)
  • >|< (in between)
  1. After selecting one of the above options, enter value(s) in the adjacent field. You can also use the drop-down list to choose the filter query. The number within the bracket indicates the number of Tools.

  1. SolidCAM returns the filter query which can be viewed dynamically in the Part Tool Table of TOOLKIT dialog box.

  1. You can use the Reset button to reset all the fields and remove the applied  filters.

Quick Filter

You can use the Quick filter to instantly filter the Tool Items namely- Tool Number, Tool Type, Diameter, Description and Tool ID.

Select the Tool Item you would like to Search from the drop-down list. The Search data field changes according to the filter option selected. Enter the required data and click . SolidCAM displays the filter results in the Part Tool table.  

Tool Number - You can define the Min and Max Tool numbers to limit the number of tools returned in the filter query.

Tool Type - You can filter the Tools based on the Tool Type selected from the drop-down list.

Diameter - You can define the Min and Max Diameter to limit the number of tools returned in the filter query.

Description - You can filter the Tools based on the Tool Description.

Tool ID - You can filter the Tools based on the Tool ID.