TOOLKIT dialog Box

The Tool definition/selection for the operation is started by clicking the Select button on the Tool page as it was in previous SolidCAM versions. The TOOLKIT dialog box at the Part Tool Library level is displayed.

Left side of TOOLKIT dialog box

The left side of the TOOLKIT dialog box contains a number of interface features.

Main menu

ToolKit Filter options

Library Toolbar

Library Selection Pane

Part Tool Table

Tool Item Manager

Narrow/Expand Library Page

Right side of TOOLKIT dialog box

The right side of the TOOLKIT dialog box displays the Tool Item/Component Data. 

Shown in the above illustration is the Data Toolbar and corresponding Data Page, which enable you to manage the combined and individual properties of the Tool Item and its assembled components.

The Data Toolbar buttons and Data Page parameters and options will vary depending on your selection in the Tool Item tree.

Machine Name

Visualization Tools

Data Toolbar

Data Page

Narrow/Expand Data Page

Export, Select, Save& Exit

Error messages  

If you see an exclamation mark on the Tool image, it means there is an error in defining the Tool parameters. The error details are provided in the bottom left corner of the Tool Table dialog box.

OR a separate error message window is displayed.