Calculation Speed

The tool path for three tool basic tool types (end mill, ball-nosed mill and bull-nosed mill) is calculated with completely different machining algorithms. This means that the calculation speed may be different for the same operation and geometry with a different tool type. For example, using a bull-nosed tool with a smaller corner radius will result in a longer calculation time.

The calculation speed depend also on the tolerance. When you set a tolerance for a tool path, this defines the worst tolerance; the actual tolerance may, in some circumstances, be significantly tighter. This is particularly true for the Contour roughing and Constant Z machining operations when a bull-nosed tool with a small corner radius is used; the results are often more accurate than required and the calculation is slower.

When a positive Wall offset is defined, the machining algorithm is executed for a tool with larger corner and shaft radii than the original one. When a small Wall offset is applied to an end mill, the tool used for the machining algorithm is bull-nosed with a small corner radius. This tool with applied Wall offset has different algorithmic characteristics, as mentioned above, and the calculation time may change.

The only other instance in which the tool type may change when applying a Wall offset is when a negative Wall offset equal to or exceeding the corner radius is applied to a bull-nosed tool. Then an end mill is used in the machining algorithm, and a result may be produced much more quickly. However, there are instances where applying a negative Wall offset which is significantly greater than the corner radius does not produce satisfactory results, see note on Negative Wall offset.