Constant Z machining

Similar to Contour roughing, the Constant Z tool path is generated for a set of sections created at different Z-heights determined by the Step down parameter. The generated sections are machined in a profile manner. The Constant Z strategy is generally used for semi-finishing and finishing of steep model areas with the inclination angle between 30 and 90 degrees. Since the distance between passes is measured along the Z-axis of the Coordinate System, in shallow areas (with smaller surface inclination angle) the Constant Z strategy is less effective.

The image above illustrates the Constant Z finishing. Note that the passes are densely spaced in steep areas. Where the model faces get shallower, the passes become widely spaced, resulting in ineffective machining. Therefore, the machining should be limited by the surface inclination angle to avoid the shallow areas machining. These areas can be machined later with a different HSM strategy, e.g. 3D Constant step over.