Automatic CAM-Part definition

SolidCAM provides you with a number of features aimed to automate the process of the CAM-Part definition. Using these features enables you to avoid a number of routine steps during the CAM-Part definition and perform them automatically.

This page enables you to control the automatic CAM-Part definition features.

You can define the automatic settings separately for each of the Milling, Mill-Turn and Turning modules.

Create machine setup

This option enables you to automatically add an initial Machine Setup to the CAM Manager at the start of the operations tree. The default name is Setup and it contains all available submachines and related information.

  • Definition of fixture/clamp

When this check box is selected, the Machine Setup also contains the fixture/clamp.

  • Create CoordSys for each Station (Mill-Turn only)

When this check box is selected, the Machine Coordinate System (MAC 1 (1-Position)) is created automatically for each submachine station.

Opposite side of Cam-part for Sub-spindle

When this check box is selected, SolidCAM chooses the opposite side of the model when creating the CoordSys for each submachine station. This action is similar to clicking the Change to opposite button in the Coordsys dialog box.

Definition of Stock

This option enables you to automatically define the Stock model either by a 3D box or a cylinder around the Z-axis during the CAM-Part definition. SolidCAM detects and defines Stock when model consists of two bodies and where one body is fully contained in the other. The Stock model is based on all solid bodies and surfaces of the DesignModel component of the CAM-Part assembly.

  • Add 3D sketch to CAD model

This option enables you to add a 3D sketch to the CAD model.

  • Generate Stock Envelope (Mill-Turn only)

This option enables you to add a stock boundary as a SOLIDWORKS sketch, so that you can use it to create additional sketches (e.g., those of clamps). The new sketch named Stock_Envelope is created in the CAM component of the CAM-Part assembly.

Definition of Target

This option enables you to automatically define the Target model during the CAM-Part definition. SolidCAM detects and defines Target when model consists of two bodies and where one body is fully contained in the other. The Target model is based on all the solid bodies and/or surfaces of the DesignModel component of the CAM-Part assembly.

Define target by

When defining the Target model during the automatic CAM-Part definition process, SolidCAM can also generate the following:

   Calculation preference -  For calculations you can select Speed before Accuracy or Accuracy before Speed options. You can set your preference of choosing Speed over Accuracy or Accuracy over Speed. When the Envelope check box is selected in the CAM Settings, the option of Generate Envelope/Section is enabled in the Target dialog box.

This option is available for Turning and Mill-Turn operations.