Fixture definition - 3D Model

This option enables you to define the fixture by selecting a 3D model.

When you click on the solid body, SolidCAM generates a sketch that contains the envelope of the selected fixture model. This sketch defines the geometry of the fixture.

You can also pick assembly components in the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager tree for definition of 3D Model fixtures.

Fixture Mounting Coordsys / Part Mounting Coordsys

These options are enabled only when you select the fixture. With these options you can define the coordinate systems for fixture and part. The position of fixture coordsys is relative to station coordsys and the position of part coordsys is relative to part mounting coordsys. Clicking Define CS button displays the Coordsys dialog box.

Facet tolerance

This parameter defines the accuracy of the triangulation of the fixture model. Tight tolerance increases the precision of the triangulation but also increases the calculation time.

Associativity with the solid model is maintained for 3D Model fixtures.