General angled grooving parameters

The General tab enables you to define the general technological parameters of machining.


This section enables you to set the machining mode.

  • Long external
  • Long internal

Work type

This field enables you to define the machining type.

  • Rough

The tool path movements are parallel to the Z-axis (longitudinal grooving) or to the X-axis (facial grooving). Semi-finishing and finishing passes are performed, if chosen by the user, at the end of the rough stage. The tool path calculation depends on whether CNC-Machine cycles are used or not.

  • Finish only

When this option is chosen, only a semi-finishing and/or finishing pass can be executed.

X output

The Negative X output option enables you to perform turning in the negative direction of the X-axis. The tool mounting and offset should be chosen accordingly.

  1. The offset for the negative X output is applied to the absolute dimension on the X-axis.