Bar Feeder

Bar Feeders are the most common automation accessories used in metalworking. Generally applied to turning machines, they are designed to deliver a continuous supply of raw machining stock in the form of round, hex, square, and extruded shapes for the manufacture of rotational parts.

The Bar Feeder is attached to the machine tool at its headstock end. There are two common types of bar feeds available: Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic. In hydrostatic bar feeds, the bar rests in a series of channels that clamp down on the top and bottom of the stock to hold it in place. In the hydrodynamic bar feeds, the stock is held in a feed tube surrounded by pressurized oil. This allows for faster spindle speeds, but it also increases change-over time from one bar diameter to another. Increasingly, bar feeders are being equipped with "magazine" storage units that are capable or significantly increasing the amount of stock that can be run unattended through the machine tool.

Bar Feeder Info

By clicking the Bar Feeder name, you can display the essential device information in the right pane of the dialog box.


Enter Bar Feeder name

Bar Feeder Number

Enter Bar Feeder number

Catalog No.

Enter Bar Feeder catalog number


Double-click the Value field to browse and edit the parameters in a separate page.

Motion Direction

Set the normal vector to the 'working face' of the Bar Feeder.


Double-click the Value field to browse and edit the parameters in a separate page.

Number of Axes

Enter the Bar Feeder number of axes



Refer to Turret Dwell option



Refer to Turret Rotation option


Spindles Synchronization

Refer to Turret Spindles Synchronization option


Axes Synchronization

Refer to Turret Axes Synchronization option



Activate the Bar Feeder to advance or retract



Activate the Bar Feeder Lid to advance or retract



Refer to the Turret CoordSys.


Refer to the Turret Axes.