Copy machining parameters

The Copy tab enables you to define the parameters of the Copy type of machining.

This tab is available only when the Work type is set to Copy.

Step down

This parameter enables you to define the distance between each two successive machining passes.


This section defines the direction of the tool movements.

  • One way

The tool path passes are performed only in the direction of the geometry; the tool returns to the starting point of the next pass in the Rapid mode (G0) outside of the material.

  • Zigzag

The tool path passes are performed both in the direction of the geometry and in the reverse direction.

Copy type

This section enables you to define the type of machining.

  • Offset

The tool path passes are performed parallel to and at an offset from the geometry. The offsets between the passes are equal, measured perpendicularly at the geometry points.

You can define the number of copies by selecting the Ignore stock option and specifying the Number of offsets value.

  • ZX

The tool path passes are performed parallel to the geometry. The Distance X and Distance Z values define the vector that determines the direction of the adjacent tool path passes. The Step down between each two adjacent copy passes is measured along this vector.

  • ZX-Boundary

The tool path passes are performed parallel to the geometry. The passes are extended or trimmed by the boundaries that are created with perpendiculars from the geometry ends up to the material boundary according to the machining mode. One of the perpendiculars trims the passes and, at the other end of the geometry, the program extends the passes up to the perpendicular. If the last element of the geometry is an arc, a tangent line is drawn from the end of the geometry up to the perpendicular.

In all of the options, the distance between the adjacent tool path passes is determined by the Step down value.

Rough offset

This section enables you to define the offset from the geometry that will remain after the roughing stage of the operation.


  1. Rough offset