General machining parameters

The General tab enables you to define the general technological parameters of machining.


This section enables you to set the machining mode.

Work type

This section enables you to define the machining type.

Break material corner on stock

When you select this option, you can define the Size and Angle(Deg) values to find the biggest radius and machine it first.

  1. This option is available only when the Use cycle check box is not selected.

Use cycle

This option enables you to define whether CNC-machine cycles are used for the operation.


  1. Use cycle

  1. This option is available only when the Break material corner on stock check box is not selected.

X output

The Negative X output option enables you to perform turning in the negative direction of the X-axis. The tool mounting and offset should be chosen accordingly.

  1. The offset for the negative X output is applied to the absolute dimension on the X-axis.