Port Machining

What is Port Machining?

Adding a Port Machining Operation

Port Parameters



SolidCAM provides you with the Port Machining operation. The Port machining is used to create either a roughing or finishing tool path for port type geometries. This operation enables you to reach the full area with a single tool path, machining from the top and the bottom. The tool path is calculated on the triangle mesh elements.

Adding a Port Machining Operation

In SolidCAM Manager, right-click the Operations header and choose Add Milling Operation > Port Machining menu to add a Port Machining operation to your CAM-Part.

You can also click the Multiaxis > Port Machining icon on the SolidCAM toolbar.

Parameter pages

The parameters of the Port Machining operation are divided into a number of subgroups. The subgroups are displayed in a tree format on the left side of the Operation dialog box. When you click a subgroup name in the tree, the parameters of the selected subgroup appear on the right side of the dialog box.

  • CoordSys

The Coordsys page of the Port Machining dialog box is similar to the Coordsys page of other Sim 5-axis Milling operations.








  • Machine control

The Machine control page of the Port Machining dialog box is similar to the Machine control page of other Sim 5-Axis Milling operations.

  • Misc. parameters

The Misc. parameters page of the Port Machining dialog box is similar to the Misc. parameters page of Multiaxis Machining operation.