Simulator Menu

 Right-click in the SolidCAM Simulator (Beta) window to view the Simulator menu.



  • Stationary Tool

The Stationary Tool feature when enabled moves the CAM-Part while keeping the Tool stationary. This feature can also be enabled/disabled in the Playback options menu. Keeping the Tool stationary is useful when using Multi-axis, Multi-sided CAM-Parts where the tool can sometimes be hidden when it is moving around the CAM-Part. When simulating large parts, the Stationary tool enables you to zoom in and focus on the exact area that is in contact with the cutting tool.  

The top view provides a unique perspective on 3-Axis tool path (turn off the holder visibility) that shows how the tool is engaging the material as shown.


  • Toolpath

 Using this option you can dynamically toggle On/Off the visibility of the wireframe tool path.


  • Follow the tool

Using this option the Tool path appears on the screen, behind the tool, as it moves through the operation. When this field is unchecked, the entire operation tool path is displayed.


  • Include previous Operations

This option displays the tool path of the previous operations while the current operation is running. When this field is unchecked, only the tool path of the current operation is displayed.


  • Solid Verification

This option toggles On/Off the machining of the stock during simulation playback. When Solid verification is turned On, the updated stock is loaded enabling visualization of machining on the solid model. When Solid verification is turned Off, the wireframe tool path is displayed.


  • Record removed material (Reverse SV)

Selecting this option enables the Record button on the Simulation controls. This option records each tool path which enables you to play forward and backwards solid verification using the scroll bar on the Operations timeline. When recording starts a red line appears over the operation timeline slider indicating that the tool path is being recorded. Recording may slow down initial simulation but speeds up replaying of tool path.


  • Multi-color stock

Multi-color stock when enabled colors the machined surfaces of stock according to the tool colors. When disabled the machined surfaces of the stock is displayed as a single color.


  • Reset

Clears the graphics window of all simulated operations up to the current one and restarts playback at the beginning of the current operation. Alternatively, you can double-click on the Operations timeline to Reset.


  • Clash Detection

SolidCAM enables you to check the possible collisions between different components participating in the machining (tool, tool holder, machined stock model and fixture) during the simulation.

Detailed feedback is provided for detected collisions so they can be thoroughly reviewed.

A Warning Message - Warning: Collision(s) detected! is displayed in the graphics area.

Hover mouse over collision point to show detailed information and review options 3D tool and holder changes color and corresponding collision point is shown in the graphics area.

  • Stop playback on Clash

SolidCAM stops the Simulation playback after detecting a Clash .


  • Stock

This option toggles On/Off the Stock solid model.


  • Reload

Reloads the initial stock model at any point during simulation playback.


  • Target

This option toggles On/Off the Target solid model.


  • Compare Target and Machined Stock...

This option enables you to dynamically compare the Target to the Machined Stock during simulation.


  • Tool

This option toggles On/Off display of the 3D tool.


  • Holder

 This option toggles On/Off display of the 3D tool holder.


  • Fixture

This option toggles on/off visualization of your fixture during simulation playback.


  • Operations bar

Three options are available

Display by Equal-size-Operation timeline is displayed in equal sizes dividing the timeline equally for all the defined operations.

Display by Time-Operation timeline is displayed by Time dividing the timeline by time taken to complete each operation.

Display by Moves number-Operation timeline is displayed by number of moves dividing the timeline by number of moves taken by the tool to complete each operation.

  • Advanced options

The following Advanced options are available:

Toolpath dynamic info (ToolTips)- When hovering the mouse pointer over the simulated tool path in the graphics area detailed information about the tool path and its corresponding operation are displayed.

Show current Home- This option toggles the display of the coordinate system used in the current operation.

Show Target over Stock-

Use CAD view orientation- This option enables you to apply the orientation provided by the CAD system.

  • Exit

This option enables you to exit from the SolidCAM Simulator (Beta) window.