Axis Control

Output format

3 Axis

This option is used for 3 Axis machining types. 3 Axis the tool path has certain limitations due to the tool movement limitation.

4+1 Axis (Autotilt)

In this option the tool path has a 4 Axis output with an additional fixed tilted direction. You can set an additional fixed angle of tool towards the rotation axis.

The sections of Rotary Axis, Interpolation, and Tilt angle are same as in the Edge Breaking operation.

5 Axis

Selecting this option, has a 5-axis simultaneous output.

Tool axis direction

For the 5 Axis option, you can set four types of tool axis directions:

Normal to Top surface - In this option the tool stays parallel to the top surface normal. Selecting the Min. distance per max. angle change check box sets the maximum allowed angle change between two consecutive tool path positions. The calculation engine outputs 5-axis tool path data that contains the tool tip position and the direction vector of the tool. The direction vectors are not allowed to have an angle change greater than the value specified here.


Tilted through lines - In this option the tool aligns with the input tilt lines. The tilt lines snap to the closest contour and the tool direction is given by the tilt line position.

Tilt Lines - This section enables you to choose the lines geometry from the list or define a new one with , using the Geometry Edit dialog box. displays the Browse Geometries dialog box that enables you to visualize the geometry during the selection process; the selected geometry is highlighted in the SOLIDWORKS Graphics Area.

Interpolate between two consecutive tilt lines - This option activates the interpolation between two consecutive tilt lines in a local frame that move along the contour that they machine. Else, the tool is interpolated vectorially between two tilt lines.


Aligned to trimmed surface - In this option the tool is perpendicular to the contouring surface normal. The normal on the contouring geometry must always point towards the exterior of the geometry.

Trimmed surface - The definition of the trimmed surface geometry is performed using the Select Faces dialog box. displays the Browse Geometries dialog box that enables you to visualize the geometry during the selection process; the selected geometry is highlighted in the SOLIDWORKS Graphics Area. Selecting the Min. distance per max. angle change check box sets the maximum allowed angle change between two consecutive tool path positions. The calculation engine outputs 5-axis tool path data that contains the tool tip position and the direction vector of the tool. The direction vectors are not allowed to have an angle change greater than the value specified here.


Aligned to surface normal - In this option the tool axis is fixed to a user-defined plane normal.

Surface normal - The plane is selected by specifying the values (dX, dY and dZ) or

by selecting and specifying values in Select first point and Select second point dialog box with X, Y and Z axis or

by selecting displays the Pick Edge or Face dialog box which enables you to pick the edge or face directly on the SOLIDWORKS model.


The section of Interpolation is similar to the Edge Breaking operation.

 The option is available for 4+1 Axis (Autotilt) and 5 Axis Output format.

Tilt range

  The section of Tilt range is similar to the Edge Breaking operation. Selecting the Tilt range check box enables the Axis button. Select this button to specify the Rotary axis around and Rotary axis base point using the Axis window.

 The option is available for only for 5 Axis Output format.