Levels page

This page enables you to specify the Z-levels at which the tool movements and the operation are executed.

Positioning levels

Start Level - This option defines the Z-level that can be optionally used for interoperational movements.

Clearance Level - This option defines the Z-level to which the tool retreats when it moves from one cut to another.

The Safety distance parameter defines the distance to the Upper level at which the tool starts moving at the Z feed rate automatically calculated for the tool. Movements from the Clearance level to this height are performed in rapid mode.

Milling levels

You can select the milling levels from the options- By top of target, By top of stock or User defined.

This section enables you to choose one of two option: to machine all geometry chains at the same Z-level or to set a separate depth value for each chain.

Clicking Constant icon enables you to set the Upper level and Lower level (Profile depth).

Clicking Variable icon displays the Variable levels tab. Click Variable levels the Levels dialog box where you can set separate Upper level, Upper level delta, Depth and Delta values for each chain in the geometry. The Step down value is the same for all chains.

Upper Level

You can select the Upper level from the options- By top of target, By top of stock or User defined. When you select either By top of target or By top of stock  the Upper level is populated automatically. By top of Target is chosen by default. If you enter a value in the Upper level field, the option automatically switches to User defined.


Pocket depth

You can select the Pocket depth from the options- By top of target, By bottom of target, By bottom of stock or User defined. When you select either By top of target, By bottom of target or By bottom of stock the Pocket depth is populated automatically. User defined is chosen by default. If you enter a value in the Pocket depth field, the option automatically switches to User defined.

Drag and Drop will use the depth of a selected face only when User defined option is chosen as Pocket depth in a template. If a different option is chosen for Pocket depth, this depth over-rides the depth of selected face.