Passes Parameters for Combined Constant Z with Linear

 The Passes tab displays the major parameters that affect the generation of tool path passes.

Step Down

Step down This option allows you to define intermediate slices based on depth distance between them.    When the Technology is selected as Combined Constant Z with Linear, the Step Down parameter defines the spacing of the passes along the tool axis. The passes are spaced at the distance set in the Step Down field.

Step over

Step over is the distance between two adjacent passes.  

Maximum step over enables you to define the distance between two adjacent cuts.

Scallop enables you to define the value to control the distance between the tool path lines by the cusp height you want to achieve on the finished model.


Define angle by

When you select the Optimal machining angle in X,Y check box, SolidCAM automatically defines the angle required for machining.

When Optimal machining angle in X,Y check box is not selected, the angle can be defined by entering its Value in the edit box or by picking a Line on the model.


The limits are the highest and lowest Z-positions for the tool – the range in which it can move

Shallow Areas

Angle limit is applied on shallow areas where the tool path is projected within the angle specified in the Angle limit field.  

Continuous connection passes between two regions within the angle limit interval of 0°-85°. The best observation is near the vertical walls where the tool passes through different regions without any retracts.

Cut tolerance

The Cut tolerance parameter defines the tool path accuracy