Passes parameters for Constant Step Over

 The Passes tab displays the major parameters that affect the generation of tool path passes.

Step over

Step over is the distance between two adjacent cuts. The Maximum step over distance can be defined as ‘value for the side step’ or as ‘value for the cusp height’.

Scallop enables you to specify a value to control the distance between the tool path lines by the cusp height you want to achieve on the finished model. This option is available only when the Steep stepover check box is not selected.

Steep stepover enables you to specify the distance between adjacent cuts located on the steep areas of a part.

Number of cuts(left) allows you to limit the number of cuts or set a determined number of cuts. The value 0 will create a full pattern until the edge of the machining surfaces or a given containment.


The Sorting section displays the options that enable you to define the sorting of the tool path passes.

Cutting method

This option enables you to define how the cuts are connected.

    • One way: When this option is chosen, all cuts are machined in the same direction. The tool performs the machining of a cut in the specified direction, then moves to the start of the next cut and machines it in the same direction.
    • Zigzag: When this option is chosen, the machining direction changes from cut to cut. The tool performs the machining of a cut in the specified direction, then moves to the next cut and machines it in the opposite direction.
    • Spiral: When this option is chosen, a spiral tool path is generated around the drive surface according to the chosen pattern.


Direction of machining

This option enables you to define the direction of the machining.

The options of Climb and Conventional set the tool path direction in such a manner that the climb or conventional milling is performed. This option is not available if Zigzag is selected as the Cutting method.


Cut order

The cut order defines the cut sequence for Constant Step Over machining.

    • Standard- When there are no islands in the tool path, the machining starts from outside and progresses inwards. When islands are built in the tool path, the machining starts from outside and progresses inwards for all islands. The machining starts at the outer islands.
    • From center away- With one outer containment, the machining starts from inside and progresses outwards. With outer and inner containment, the machining starts from the island center and progresses outwards both the sides.
    • From outside to center- With outer and inner containment, the machining starts from the island outer containments and progresses inwards towards the island center. With outer containment, the machining starts from outside and progresses inwards.
    • Top to bottom- Within all regions the machining starts at the top slice and progresses towards the floor.
    • Bottom to top- Within all regions the machining starts at the floor and progresses towards the top.


The limits are the highest and lowest Z-positions for the tool – the range in which it can move

Cut tolerance

The Cut tolerance parameter defines the tool path accuracy