Choosing a Technological Solution

SolidCAM stores all Technological Solutions in the Technology Database. All the Technological Solutions are classified according to the type of Machinable Hole Feature segments.

For each type of Machinable Hole Feature segment, there is a number of technological solutions (each technological solution can belong to only one type of Machinable Hole Feature segment).

A Technological Solution can be either a user-defined Machining Process or built-in Algorithm.

  • The user-defined Machining process contains Operation templates with parametric technology data and parametric data of the tools. It can be defined and edited by the user.

  • A built-in Algorithm is hard-coded in SolidCAM; it generates a number of Machining Processes. Parameters of the algorithm can be edited.

Technological Solutions use the dimensions of the Machinable Hole Feature Segments.

SolidCAM automatically chooses the suitable Technological Solutions for the machining of the specified Machinable Hole Feature segment from the TDB. The choice of the Technological Solution is defined by the set of conditions. A Condition is a logical expression; its result can be either true or false. When the condition is true, the current technological solution can be used to machine the Machinable Hole Feature segment. SolidCAM checks the conditions of the technological solutions in sequence; the first solution with a true condition will be chosen.