Managing Technological Solutions

The lower part of the Technology page displays a set of technological solutions necessary for machining of selected Machinable Hole Features.


  • Change

This option enables you to change the technological solution. The Machining process list dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables you to choose the necessary solution from the list of available solutions for the chosen type of Machinable Hole Feature segment.

  • Find tool

This command enables you to automatically find a suitable tool in the Part Tool Table for the selected technological solution.

This command is useful in the following cases:


SolidCAM enables you to change the tool for the technological solution with the Change Tool option. The option is available with the right-click menu on the Tool item.

The TOOLKIT dialog box is displayed so that you can select a new tool.

The Show command is available in the right-click menu on the operations of the Technological Solution.

This command displays the operation dialog box with the parameters of the specified operation.