HM Roughing machining parameters

The HM (Hybrid Machining) Roughing strategy reduces rapid movements by controlling the tool movement so that it remains on the part, following previous cut paths instead of rapid feeding to the new position. Additional tool path optimization features include the ability to automatically machine flat areas only, instead of adding extra Z-levels to clean up planar zones. This roughing strategy enables the use of a large step over (greater than 50%).

Step down type

This parameters enables you define how the spacing between the passes along the tool axis is performed.

  • Constant

This option provides for a constant step down along all levels of the model.

  • Constant & flats

Besides the contact step down, additional passes between levels are performed to machine material left on flat areas.

Step over type

This parameter enables you to define the method of roughing.

The following options are available:

    • Core

All passes are offsets of the machinable area. All areas are machined from the outside inwards.

    • Cavity

All passes are offsets of the machinable area. All areas are machined from the center outwards.

    • HM spiral

All passes are offsets of the part area. Core areas are machined from the outside inwards. Cavity areas are machined from the center outwards.