Contour roughing parameters

With the Contour roughing strategy, SolidCAM generates a pocket-style tool path for a set of sections generated at the Z-levels defined with the specified Step down.

Detect Flat Areas

Detect Flat Areas inserts a tool path level on the flat area of the part and then carries the Z level slices at the programmed Z step. With Detect Flat Areas enabled, each stepdown is adjusted to match the flat areas such that the requested axial stock to leave is also the stock left in these areas.

Detect core areas

This option causes the tool to start from the outside of the model rather than take a full width cut in the center of the component.

If your model includes both core and cavity areas, the system will automatically switch between core roughing and cavity roughing within the same tool path.

When these passes are linked to create a Contour roughing tool path, the areas are machined from the top downwards. Obviously, material has to be machined at one level before moving down to the next one.

The passes for the Z-Top level machining are not usually included in the operation tool path. Adjust the Z-Top level by adding the Step down value to the current Z-Top level value when you want to include the top level passes in the operation tool path.