Hatch Roughing parameters

With the Hatch roughing strategy, SolidCAM generates linear raster passes for a set of sections generated at the Z-levels defined with the specified Step down. Hatch roughing is generally used for older machine tools or softer materials because the tool path predominantly consists of straight line sections.

Define Angle by

This option enables you to define the angle of the hatch passes relative to the X-axis of the current Coordinate System. The angle can be defined by entering its Value in the edit box or by picking a Line on the model.


The Offset parameter defines the distance between the hatch passes and the outer/inner profiles.

Detect Flat Areas

Detect Flat Areas inserts a tool path level on the flat area of the part and then carries the Z level slices at the programmed Z step. With Detect Flat Areas enabled, each stepdown is adjusted to match the flat areas such that the requested axial stock to leave is also the stock left in these areas.