Boundaries Introduction

SolidCAM enables you to define two types of boundaries for the SolidCAM HSR/HSM operation tool path.

Drive Boundaries

Drive boundaries are used to drive the shape of the tool path for the following HSM strategies: 3D Constant step over, Morphed machining, Offset cutting and Boundary machining.

Constraint boundaries

A constraint boundary enables you to limit the machining to specific model areas.

Machining always takes place within a boundary or a set of boundaries. The boundaries define the limits of the tool tip motion. The area actually machined can be extended beyond the boundary by as much as the tool shaft radius.

In the image above, the tool center is located at the edge of the boundary, therefore the tool extends beyond the edge by tool radius. You can use the Offset feature to offset the tool inside by a certain distance.

If there are several boundary contours then the operation will use all of them.

If one boundary is completely inside another, then it will act as an island. The area enclosed by the outer boundary, minus the area defined the inner boundary, will be machined.

You can extend this to define more complicated shapes by having islands within islands.