CAM-Part menu

The right-click menu available on the CAM-Part header of the CAM Manager tree contains the following commands:

CAM-Part Definition

This command displays the Turning Part Data dialog box, which enables you to view and edit the values, options and parameters of the current CAM-Part.

CAM-Part Properties

This command displays the Turning part properties dialog box, which provides you with information such as the name and location of the CAM-Part, the model used in the CAM-Part and the size of the CAM-Part file.

Change Model Reference

SolidCAM enables you to change the reference to the original SOLIDWORKS model. This operation enables you to substitute the DesignModel component of the CAM-Part assembly with another SOLIDWORKS model.

  1. Choose the Change Model Reference command to display the associated dialog box.

  2. Enter the path to the model in the Model name text field or choose the SOLIDWORKS model by clicking Browse.

  3. Click the button. The following message is displayed.

When the message is confirmed, the CAM-Part is closed, the model reference is changed and the updated CAM-Part is reopened.

Open Current CAM-Part Folder

SolidCAM launches Windows Explorer and opens the folder that contains the loaded CAM-Part.

Open from PDM

This command enables you to open a CAM-Part stored in the local Product Data Management system.

Save to PDM

This command enables you to save the current CAM-Part in the local Product Data Management system.

The Open from PDM and Save to PDM options are available only if you use the premium version of SOLIDWORKS.


SolidCAM closes the active CAM-Part. The compressed CAM-Part file is updated, if necessary.

Close without save

SolidCAM closes the active CAM-Part without updating the prz file. This command closes the CAM-Part and deletes all the temporary files without affecting the date and time stamp on the prz file. This command is essential to users using Product Data Management system.

Save As

This command enables you to save the active CAM-Part to the disk with a new name or in a new location.

When chosen, the Part Save As dialog box is displayed.

Save as type

This option enables you to choose the type of the CAM-Part: compressed or non-compressed. The default selection of the Save as type is the same as the original CAM-Part type.

The conversion of compressed to non-compressed is not available.

Save as copy

  • When this option is not selected, the saved CAM-Part is loaded instead of the current CAM-Part.

  • When this option is selected, SolidCAM stays with the current CAM-Part.

Documentation (ToolSheet)

This command enables you to summarize the CAM-Part information by generating tool sheet documentation in the HTML, RTF or XLS formats.

Documentation (DPP)

This command enables you to generate or edit documentation using a Doc-processor file (*.dpp).


This command enables you to load DNC software (RS232) that allows you to transmit data to your CNC-Machine. The path to the DNC program is defined in the SolidCAM settings.

External program

SolidCAM enables you to load an external program (Windows application or batch file). The path to the external program is defined in the SolidCAM settings.

During the launch, the external program receives from SolidCAM the following parameters:

  • Full path to the loaded CAM-Part

  • Name of the loaded CAM-Part

For example, the batch file that was defined as External program contains the following string: C:\EditNC\EditNC.exe %1\%2.TAP

The CAM-Part C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM\User\cavity.prt is loaded.

When you launch the external program, SolidCAM transfers the name and path of the CAM-Part to the batch file. Parameters of the batch file receive their values and the following command is executed:

C:\EditNC\EditNC.exe C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM\User\cavity.TAP

Check Synchronization

This command enables you to check for synchronization of CAM-Part geometries, Target models, etc.


This command enables you to synchronize CAM-Part geometries, Target models, etc., if necessary.

New User

This command launches your internet browser and directs you to the New User page of the SolidCAM website. The New User page contains instructions on downloading the iMachining Getting Started Interactive Guide.

iMachining Info, iMachining Successes and iMachining Professor

This command redirects you to the SolidCAM website where you can find training materials on the iMachining technology.

SolidCAM Professor

This command redirects you to the SolidCAM website where you can find SolidCAM Professor training materials.

Send To

This command enables you to send a ZIP archive of the current manufacturing project by e-mail or to a specified folder on your computer.

The ZIP archive will contain the following data:

  • The <part_name>.prt file and the <part_name> folder containing all the data generated for the CAM-Part (in case of non-compressed CAM-Part);


  • The <part_name>.prz file (in case of compressed CAM-Part);


  • The Machine Tool Table;

  • The machine definition files: <machine>.gpp and <machine>.vmid;

  • The machine simulation (if the Including MachSim option is chosen);

  • The file containing the version information of your CAD and CAM systems as well as your operating system (OS), which can be viewed using any text editor available on your computer.

Cleanup CAM-Part

This command enables you to perform cleaning of the CAM-Part data. The cleaning operation automatically removes unused geometries, Updated Stock model files (which can later be automatically recalculated), and any other unused data saved in the CAM-Part.


All shortcut menus in CAM Manager can be customized to suit your needs. You can deselect the items you rarely use and want to hide and keep selected the items you want shown. Use to view the entire list of menus available including the Customize option.


Related Topics

  1. Part Settings