Model dialog box

This dialog box enables you to define a clamping device and related parameters.


This section displays the fixture name. You can also choose the model from the previously defined fixture geometries.

Show displays the defined fixture in the SolidCAM Fixture window.

Defined by

This section enables you to choose the mode of the fixture model definition.


Clamping method

This section enables you to define how the clamping device will be attached to the workpiece.         

Chuck position

The chuck positioning is defined with the Clamping diameter.

The Clamping diameter (CD) can be defined by picking on the model. When the model is picked, SolidCAM measures the X- and Z- distances from the CoordSys origin to the picked positions and displays the values in the corresponding edit boxes.

Chuck sizes library

SolidCAM enables you to define and store fixtures as libraries for reuse in fixture definition. Click Take from library to open the Fixture library dialog box. This dialog box enables you to create and manage the fixture library. Click on Add to library to add the defined fixture to the fixture library.

Jaws parameters

The Jaw width (JW) parameter defines the overall width of a single jaw.

The Jaw height (JH) parameter defines the The Jaw height (JH) parameter defines the overall height of a single jaw.

The Step width (SW) parameter defines the width of the lower step.

The Step height (SH) parameter defines the height of the lower step.

Associativity is not maintained for chucks defined by parameters.

3D options

This section enables you to define the 3D related parameters of a standard or user-defined chuck.

  • Thickness (T)

This parameter defines the thickness of a single jaw.

  • Number of jaws

This parameter defines the number of jaws in the chuck.


Suppress/Unsuppress stock envelope toggles the visibility of the stock envelope sketch.