Geometry Edit dialog box

This dialog box enables you to define the geometry by selecting chains of wireframe elements.


This option enables you to define the name of the geometry. SolidCAM offers you the Default Geometry name that can be edited.


This option enables you to switch between SOLIDWORKS configurations. Choose the necessary configuration for the geometry definition.

Adding a chain

You can add a chain to the existing set of chains in the current geometry. The new chain is added under the next sequential number.

1. Select the chain geometry using the Chain section options.

2. Confirm the chain definition with the button.

Managing chains

All the selected chains are displayed in the Chain List section. To edit these chains, right-click on the chain name and choose the appropriate command from the menu.

  • Replace

This command enables you to update a chain in the current chain geometry. The old chain is deleted and you can now define the new chain.

  • Insert

This command enables you to insert a chain between two existing chains.

  • Edit

This command enables you to edit an existing chain. You can reverse the chain or undo the selection steps to change the chain.

  • Reverse

This command enables you to reverse the direction of the chain.

  • Rename

This command enables you to rename the geometry chain.

  • Set CW/Set CCW

This command enables you to set the clockwise/counterclockwise direction to the chain.

  • Delete

This command deletes the chain from the current geometry.

Chain buttons

When selecting entities to define a chain, the following buttons are available in the Chain List section:

To simplify the process of defining chains, you can also use the hot keys associated with the Add Selected Element, Change Direction, Reverse and Undo step options as described below.

  • Add Selected Element (F6 hot key)

This option enables you to add the entity highlighted with the direction arrow to the current chain and continue the process according to the chosen criteria.

  • Change Direction (F7 hot key)

This option enables you to toggle between available chain entities following the current segment.

  • Reverse (F8 hot key)

This option enables you to reverse the direction of the chain you are currently working with. The direction is indicated by an arrow at the chain start point.

  • Undo step (Backspace hot key)

This option enables you to undo the last selection of a chain element.

  • Accept chain

This option enables you to confirm the single chain selection.

You can also use the Ctrl button on your keyboard to accept a chain and select the next one.

To do it, instead of clicking Accept Chain, press the Ctrl button and hold it, while you are choosing a new chain. The first chain will be accepted.

  • Reject chain

This option enables you to cancel the single chain selection.

Chain direction

Operations in SolidCAM use the direction of the chain geometry to calculate the tool path.
The arrow at the start point of the chain indicates the direction of the chain.

When you pick the first chain entity on the solid model, SolidCAM determines the start point of the picked entity closest to the picked position. The direction of the picked first chain entity is defined automatically from the start point to the picked position.

Use the button to reverse the direction of the chain, if necessary.

Selecting entities

Show Chain on Work Plane

This option displays the projection of the selected chain on the working plane.

You can define the contour by selecting edges, sketch segments and points on the contour. SolidCAM provides the following options:

  • Curve

This option enables you to create a continuous geometry chain by choosing its successive entities automatically or manually. If none of the additional options (Up to Entity, Tangent propagation, Constant Z Propagation) is selected, you can choose the chain entities manually one by one.

  1. Select the start entity (a wireframe element or a solid model edge). The chain direction will be established.

  2. Select the next curve that belongs to the chain, and so forth.  

    SolidCAM enables you to define the tolerances to determine whether two consequent elements should be connected or not. When the gap between two selected elements exceeds the defined tolerance values, the following message is displayed:

  3. To confirm the selection, click .



SolidCAM will keep the associativity to any edge or sketch entity. Any change made to the model or sketch will automatically update the selected geometry.

      Up to Entity

The chain is selected by specifying the start curve, the direction of the chain and the element up to which the chain will be created. This command is useful if you want to define an open chain up to a certain point or edge.

     Tangent propagation

SolidCAM automatically selects the next entity tangent to the current one. If there is no any, it highlights all entities connected to the last chain entity. You have to select the entity along which you want the chain to continue.


     Constant Z Propagation

This option identifies only entities on the same XY-plane with the previously selected chain entity. You are only prompted to identify the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connected to the chain.

You are required to enter a positive and negative Z-deviation into the Delta Z Tolerance edit boxes. Only entities within this range are identified as the next possible entity of the chain.

  • Curve + Close corners

This option enables you to close the gaps between successive chain entities irrespective of the Gap Minimum and Gap Maximum values by virtually extending the entities up to their intersection.

Splines and arcs are extended by lines tangential to the arc/spline at its end point.

    • Pick start curve - select the first entity (a wireframe element or the solid model edge).

    • Pick next curve - select the next curve that belongs to the chain. When a gap is detected between these entities, the chain is continued by virtually extending the selected entities, according to the direction of the first entity, up to the virtual intersection point. If an intersection point cannot be found by extending either one or both selected entities, the following message is displayed:


In case several possible intersection points exist, the point closest to the last vertex of the first selected entity is chosen.

    • To complete the selection, click .


When the model used for the geometry definition is modified, SolidCAM enables you to synchronize the geometry with the updated model. During the synchronization SolidCAM determines gaps areas created using the Curve + Close Corners option and regenerates the extension of the chain elements so as to close the gaps.

  • Point to point

This option enables you to connect specified points; the points are connected by a straight line.

  1. Enter the coordinates into the XYZ dialog box or pick a point.

  2. The chain is created from the previous point up to the selected point. Enter the coordinates into the XYZ dialog box or pick a point.

  3. To confirm the selection, click .


SolidCAM will not keep the associativity to any selected point. SolidCAM saves the X, Y and Z coordinates of the selected points. Any change made to the model or sketch will not update the selected geometry.

  • Arc by points

This option enables you to create a chain segment on an arc up to a specific point on the arc.

  1. Enter the coordinates of the start point where you want the arc to start into the XYZ dialog box or pick a point and confirm by clicking Enter.

  2. Enter the coordinates of the next point of the arc into the XYZ dialog box or pick a point and confirm by clicking Enter.

  3. The arc will be created between the specified points.

  4. To confirm the selection, click .



SolidCAM will not keep the associativity to any selected arcs by points. SolidCAM saves the X, Y and Z coordinates of the selected points. Any change made to the model or sketch will not update the selected geometry.

Spline approximation

This section enables you to define the Spline approximation tolerance for the chain selection.