Parallel Operations settings

This page enables you to define the settings for Parallel operations.

Default External simulation option

This option enables you to define the default simulation mode for the External simulation.

  • Use 2D/Turning simulation as default

When this option is chosen, the Turning simulation mode is used as default for each new External simulation session.

  • Remember last simulation option

When this option is chosen, External simulation starts in the last used mode.

Target loading

This option enables you to set the mode of target model loading during simulation.

When you choose to load the target with CAM tolerance, the target model with the tolerance value defined for the CAM model will be loaded.

When you choose to load the target with CAD tolerance (fast loading/rough target), the target model with the tolerance value defined for the CAD model will be loaded.

When you choose do not load the target, only the Stock model is loaded.