Tool data

The default parameters defined for the tool are automatically inserted in the operation that uses this tool. This provides the following advantages:

  • Definition of technological parameters that have to be defined in the operation is minimized, since nearly all of them automatically receive their values from the defaults when a tool is chosen.
  • If several operations use the same tool, the defaults are automatically loaded for all these operations and do not have to be defined again for each operation.


Feed units

This section defines the type of feed units.

Feed normal – this field specifies the normal working feed value.

Feed finish – this field specifies the finishing feed value.

In the Metric system, the feed units can be expressed in:

    • mm/min - millimeters per minute;

    • mm/rev - millimeters per revolution.

In the Inch system, the feed units can be expressed in:

    • inch/min - inches per minute;

    • inch/rev - inches per revolution.


Spin units

This section defines the type of spin units.

Spin normal – this field specifies the spin value for normal turning.

Spin finish – this field specifies the spin value for finish turning.

The spin units can be expressed in revolutions per minute – S (rpm) or meters per minute– V (m/min).


The Tool offset parameter determines the default position of the tool in the tool offset table of the CNC-machine.

For rotary turrets, the offset number is defined as a station number + delta coefficient specific for the turret. The delta coefficient is set in the VMID file.

Safety parameters

The Safety angle parameter defines the default angle between the material and the cutting edge of the tool. This prevents the cutting edge of the tool from coinciding with the material.

The Safety envelope parameter defines the default safety distance between all the non-cutting edges of the tool and the material. This ensures that the non-cutting edges of the tool do not crash into the material.