Tool axis control

This page enables you to define the orientation of the tool axis during the Sim. 5-axis machining.

Conversion technology

Regular parameters

Output format

The Output format parameter enables you to define the output format of the current Sim. 5-Axis operation. For this operation, 3-Axis, 4-Axis, or 5-Axis format can be used.

Tool axis direction



Angle range


Advanced parameters

Axial Shift

Tool contact point

Autotilt technology

While converting the 3-axis tool path into 5-axis, there are areas where the tool fits (no collision between the holder and the part) and, where the tool does not fit (collisions with the holder and the part). For both situations, you can choose how the tool should be tilted.

Where the tool does not fit

    • 5axis, but stay close to 3axis

This option enables you to keep the tool as much as possible in a vertical position.

    • 5axis, but stay close to

The set angle value in this option enables you to avoid the collision. If the desired tilt angle is not enough to avoid the collision then the tool over tilts the set angle value.

Where the tool does fit (short distance/long distance)

These sections enable you to tilt the tool even if the tool is not in collision. Tool tilting can be maintained even when the tool can go back to the vertical position. This reduces the tilting motions.

    • Go back to 3 axis

In this option, the tool goes back to the vertical position.

    • Stay 5 axis

In this option, the tool keeps the required tool orientation.

Short/Long distance threshold

This section enables you to distinguish collision free zones in short and long distances. For example, you can maintain tool tilting for short distances and allow the tool to go back to the vertical position on long distances. The distance can be defined as the % of tool diameter or a numerical value.


    • Maximum Tilt angle

This option allows you to define the maximum deviation angle value. The defined maximum tilt value cannot be exceeded. In case this value is exceeded, SolidCAM trims the tool path to avoid any possible collision.

    • Max. angle step for rotations axis

SolidCAM enable you to limit the rotary/tilt angle of the machine head.

    • Gradual tilting only on connection

When this check box is selected, the approach and retract motions remain with a static tool axis orientation. When this check box is not selected, the approach and retract motions  will already have tool axis orientation changes.