Sim. 5-Axis Milling

SolidCAM provides you with a number of Sim. 5-Axis operations designed for specific Sim. 5-Axis machining tasks. Each of these operations has a subset of parameters and options relevant for the chosen technology. Using the operations ensures quick programming of specific Sim. 5-Axis tasks.


Parameter pages

Stages of the Sim. 5-Axis Operation parameters definition


SolidCAM provides you with the following types of the Sim. 5-Axis operation:

Parameter pages

The parameters of the Sim. 5-Axis operation are divided into a number of subgroups. The subgroups are displayed in a tree format on the left side of the Operation dialog box. When you click a subgroup name in the tree, the parameters of the selected subgroup appear on the right side of the dialog box.


Define the CoordSys position for the Sim. 5-Axis operation.


Choose a geometry for machining and define parameters of machining strategy.


Choose a tool for the operation and define the related parameters such as feed and spin.


Define the Clearance area and the machining levels.

Tool path parameters

Define the machining parameters.

Tool axis control

Define the orientation of the tool axis during the Sim. 5-Axis machining.


The Link and Default Lead-In/Out pages enable you to define how the Sim. 5-Axis cutting passes are linked to the complete tool path.

Gouge check

Avoid the tool gouging of the selected drive surfaces and check surfaces.

Roughing and More

Define the parameters of the Sim. 5-Axis roughing.

Machine control

Define the parameters related to the kinematics and special characteristics of the CNC-Machine.

Misc. parameters

Define a number of miscellaneous parameters and options related to the Sim. 5-Axis tool path calculation.

Stages of the Sim. 5-Axis Operation parameters definition

The operation definition is divided into three major stages:

  1. CoordSys, Geometry, Finish Parameters and Links – generation of the tool path for the selected faces. Tool tilting and gouge checking are not performed at this stage.
  1. Tool axis control – controlling the angle of the tool from the normal vector at every point along the tool path.
  1. Gouge check – avoiding tool and holder collisions.