
This tool type is used in Toolbox Cycles Broaching sub-operation.

A tool of this type is defined with the parameters shown in the image.


The tool geometry consists of two cylinders and a sphere connected to the lower cylinder.

  • Width (W)- This parameter defines the width of the cutting part of the broaching tool.

  • Depth (L)- This parameter defines the depth of the cutting part of the broaching tool.

  • Corner Radius (R)- This parameter defines the corner radius applied to the cutting edges of the broaching tool.

  • Arbor diameter (AD)- This parameter defines the diameter of the arbor cylinder (upper cylinder) which is connected to the tool holder.

  • Total Length (TL)- This parameter defines the total length of the broaching tool.

  • Shoulder length (SL)- This parameter defines the length from the tool tip till the beginning of the upper cylinder (Arbor diameter).

  • Cutting length (CL)- This parameter defines the length of the cutting part of the broaching tool.

  • H Length- This parameter defines the length from the broaching tool tip till the spindle base face. This parameter is used for the Machine Simulation mode only.

Parameter limitations



Corner Radius (R)

Corner Radius (R) => 0

Cutting Length (CL)

Cutting Length (CL) <= Shoulder Length (SL)