Constant Z combined with Horizontal strategy

The Constant Z passes page defines the parameters of the Constant Z machining strategy.

The Horizontal passes page defines the parameters of the Horizontal machining strategy.

The following parameters defined on the Constant Z passes page are automatically assigned the same values on the Horizontal passes page:

When these parameters are edited on the Constant Z passes page, their values are updated automatically on the Horizontal page. But when edited on the Horizontal passes page, the values on the Constant Z passes page remain unchanged.

Two Link pages located under the Constant Z passes and Horizontal passes pages define the links relevant for each of these strategies.

On the Link page for Horizontal passes, there is the Machining order tab that enables you to define the order in which the Constant Z and Horizontal machining will be performed. The default option is Constant Z first.

When the tool has finished performing the passes of the first machining strategy, it goes up to the Clearance level, then descends back to the machining surface to continue with the next strategy.