Right Side of ToolKit dialog box

The right side of the TOOLKIT dialog box displays the Tool Item/Component Data.

Machine Name

The CNC-Machine selected during CAM-Part definition is displayed in this field. This field is not editable in the ToolKit dialog box.

Vizualization Tools

SolidCAM ToolKit offers several Visualization Tools, which can be accessed at the upper right corner of the TOOLKIT dialog box.

Data Toolbar

All available Data Toolbar buttons and their functions are summarized here. The Data Toolbar buttons parameters and options will vary depending on your Tool Item selection in the Tool Item Manager.

Data Page

Displayed on the right-hand side of the TOOLKIT dialog box is the Tool Item/Component Data. The Data Page parameters and options will vary depending on your selection in the Tool Item Manager.

Narrow/Expand Data Page

Narrow/Expand Data Page enables you to toggle between showing and hiding the Data Page. Use to enlarge or reduce the size of panes in the TOOLKIT dialog box.

Export, Select, Save& Exit  

SolidCAM  ToolKit offers several export options if you want to later use the defined Components/Tool Items from your CAM-Part.

Clicking the Select button chooses the Tool Item for the operation and closes the TOOLKIT dialog box.

enables you to Save the current state of the TOOLKIT dialog box without exiting the dialog box.

enables you to Save all recent changes and Exit the TOOLKIT dialog box.

enables you to Exit the TOOLKIT dialog box without saving the recent changes.