
This page enables you to define the General Settings for the ToolKit.

Default Folder

The Default folder specifies the directory where newly created ToolKit Tool Libraries are saved and, when editing a Tool Library from within SOLIDWORKS/SolidCAM, where browsing starts in the Open ToolKit dialog box.

By default, all ToolKit Tool Libraries are saved in the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM2021\Tables\Metric or ...\Inch depending on your SolidCAM Units selection. If you want to specify a different default directory, Click . The Browser window is loaded to choose the new default folder.

Import From

The Import from field enables you to specify the full path to the folder containing the default Tool Table for import. By default, all Tool Tables are imported from the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM2021\Tables\Metric or ...\Inch depending on your SolidCAM Units selection. If you want to specify a different default directory, Click . The Browser window is loaded to choose the new folder.

Export to

The Export to field enables you to specify the full path to the folder containing the default Tool Table for export. By default, all Tool Tables are imported from the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM2021\Tables\Metric or ...\Inch depending on your SolidCAM Units selection. If you want to specify a different default directory, Click . The Browser window is loaded to choose the new folder.

For each new CAM-Part, the above settings are copied from the SolidCAM Settings and can be modified according to your preferences.

  • SolidCAM enables you to change the settings even when a CAM-Part is opened.
  • The aforementioned folders in the ToolKit Settings dialog box and SolidCAM Settings are interdependent.

Default Library name

By default, the Tool Components Library SolidCAMComponentsLib.tlv is selected. Click to load the Browser window to choose a new Tool Component Library.

Click to Generate the Default Library. The Generate Tool Components Library (*.tlv) is displayed.

The Files available in the Default Tool Components Library are displayed in the table form in this dialog box. The table displays the File Name, File format and the File location.

You can Add files to list of type *.THT or *.hdb using .

You can edit the Default Library Name in this field. The default Library is named as MyComponentsLib.tlv

Click Generate to Generate the new Default Tool Components Library. The generated file is saved in C:\Users\Public\Documents\SolidCAM\SolidCAM2021\Tables\Metric or ...\Inch folder.

Click Exit to exit the dialog box without saving the changes.

Right-clicking on Browse enables you to Reset all the aforementioned customized directories to the original directories.

External window for Import - You can Import your Tool Items or Tool Libraries from the appearing external TOOLKIT dialog box. Enable External window for Import check box to open a separate TOOLKIT window when selecting the Tools/Libraries for Import. Disable this check box to open the Tools/Libraries for Import integrated in the current TOOLKIT dialog box.


Auto add the Adaptor and Holder - Enable this check box to have SolidCAM automatically add the Adaptor and Holder upon adding your Cutter component to the Part Tool Table.


Show empty Storage group (for non advanced view) - Enable this check box to have SolidCAM automatically add the empty Storage group for Tool storage in the Part Tool Table.


Auto sorting by Tool Number (for non advanced view) - Enable this check box to have SolidCAM automatically sort the Tools by Tool Numbers in the Part Tool Table.

Components color

  1. Click the button in front of Cutter. The Color window displays.

  1. Click on the color you want to give to the Cutter and click OK.

  2. The color you defined here, is applied to the all the Cutters that you later define in the ToolKit window.

  3. Similarly, you can define the colors for Shank, Arbor and Holder.

Reset enables you to reset the changes made to the default SolidCAM colors.