Groove parameters

The Groove parameters tab of the Technology page enables you to define the working conditions for the groove tool.

Groove Limit diameter

For groove tools that work on the face side of the workpiece, set the working limits according to the shape of the tool:

  • Max. limit

Enter the maximum diameter that the tool can penetrate the material.

  • Min. limit

Enter the minimum diameter that the tool can penetrate the material.  

This field is enabled in a Turning operation with the Mode set to Face, Int.Groove tool chosen and Rough type set to Zigzag from middle.


Delta compensation

For good surface finishing and better cutting conditions, the tool should be allowed to bend slightly during side cutting so that only the corner radius of the tool will touch the material. This field defines the distance the tool retreats before going sideways.

  • Rough

Enter the distance the tool should retreat before moving sideways during roughing.

  • Finish

Enter the distance the tool should retreat before moving sideways during finishing.

Radial conditions

In Radial cutting (moving in the X-direction), the recommendation of the tool manufacturer is to reduce the spindle speed and feed by 40%. This percentage can be defined by the following two parameters:

  • Spin

Define the percentage relative to the side cutting spindle speed.

  • Feed

Define the percentage relative to the side cutting feed.