Tool import

The Import from tool table dialog box enables you to import tools to the Part Tool Table from the Current Tool Library or any other Tool Library.

The default libraries and locations are defined in the Tool Table settings.

  1. Go to Part Tool Table and click Import Tools .

  2. Choose the library format from the Library type drop-down menu.

  3. Choose the library name from the Library list.

  1. Browse to the folder that contains the required library.

Library type

The following library types are supported:

  • TAB (*.TAB)

This option enables you to import tools from a TAB file.

  • ISCAR Tool Advisor (ITA)

This option enables you to import tools directly from the ISCAR database.

    1. Choose the ISCAR Tool Advisor option from the list. The browser window with the Iscar Tool Advisor page is displayed.
    2. Click Start and follow the instructions onscreen to find the desired tool.
    3. When the search is completed, select the Options for import.
    4. In the ITA tool table, select the ZIP option and click the Download File button .
    5. In the File Download dialog box, choose the Save option. Save the file in the default location.
    6. The tool is displayed in the Import from tool table dialog box.


  • CAM (*.PRT, *.PRZ)

This option enables you to import tools from another SolidCAM part.

  • CSV (*.CSV)

This option enables you to import tools from a *.CSV file.

  • TDM

This option enables you to import tools using the Tool Data Management (TDM) system.

    1. Choose the TDM option from the list. The Tool import filtering dialog box is displayed to enhance the tool search process.
    2. Choose the Tool type for which to search the TDM system. For example, All will search the database for all types; specific types will return only that type in the search query.
    3. Double-clicking the corresponding From/To fields, you can define a range for the tool parameters (e.g., Tool Number, ID Number, Diameter) to limit the number of tools returned in the search query.
    4. Click OK to execute the search query.


  • XLS (*.XLS)

This option enables you to import tools from an Excel file.

Tool import methods

When the library is chosen, the buttons at the bottom of the dialog box can be used to import all tools or only the selected tools into the Part Tool Table. The tool import icons indicate the active method for importing the tool(s). If the active one is not preferred, clicking the button enables you to select from the available tool import methods:

  • Import tools with tool numbering – imports tool(s) from the chosen library with the Tool Number(s) preserved.

  • Import tools with tool positioning – imports tool(s) from the chosen library with the Station/Position preserved (including Mounting definitions).

  • Import tools with number and position – imports tool(s) from the chosen library with both the Tool Number(s) and the Station/Position preserved.

  • Import tools to next free tool number – imports tool(s) to the chosen turret for immediate use in the Part Tool Table. The Station/Position is preserved but if a Tool Number is already being used, the next available number is automatically assigned to the imported tool(s).

  • Import tools to tool storage – imports tool(s) to the tool storage of the Part Tool Table with Tool Number(s) and Station/Position preserved. When later choosing the turret to which a tool belongs, the Tool Number remains and the next available Station/Position is automatically assigned to the tool.

If a Tool Number or Station/Position is already being used by the Part Tool Table, SolidCAM displays the Import tools dialog box that enables you to define an alternate position/number. Once imported, it is possible to modify these parameters again in the Part Tool Table dialog box.