Levels page

This page enables you to define the machining levels of the operation: Start level, Clearance level, Safety distance, Upper level, Lower level, and Step down.

Usually, the Lower level is automatically recognized on the solid model, individually for each pocket feature.

However, you can limit the Pocket depth by specifying a certain Lower level value and use a shorter tool in the operation.


In addition to the Equal step down option, the Adaptive step down option is available.

If neither of the options is selected, the area is machined with the defined Step down regardless of the rest material.

If Adaptive step down is selected and Equal step down is not selected, the area is machined with the defined Step down, and the rest material is cleaned in additional passes.

If Adaptive step down is not selected and Equal step down is selected, SolidCAM calculates the Step down value, which does not exceed the Max. Step down value, but during machining some areas can remain unprocessed.

If both Adaptive and Equal step down options are selected, the area is divided to blocks, and each block is machined separately with its own Step Down value.

Pocket Recognition for Open Pockets with Holes

In Open Pockets with relatively small holes, the holes may be ignored. The pocket machining is performed in two stages:

1. SolidCAM calculates the tool path for rough machining according to the defined step down value.

2. With the last cut, finish machining of the floor is performed, and the small holes geometry is ignored.

If the Equal step down option is selected, SolidCAM calculates the step down value and performs roughing of the entire pocket area while descending in equal steps.

If the Equal step down option is not selected, the entire pocket area is machined in the same manner, until the last cut. During the last cut, finish machining of the floor is performed at the Z-level smaller than the Step down value. At this stage, the small holes geometry is ignored, and eventually some protruding parts can remain on the surface.

If the Step down value is equal or greater than the Pocket depth, this operation can create rather lengthy protrusions.

To avoid such protrusions appearing, use the Equal step down option.