Technology page

This page enables you to define the technological parameters of the pocket machining.

Pocket machining technology

Choose the pocket machining technology from the list.

  • Contour machines the pocket in a round pattern.
  • Hatch mills the pocket in a linear pattern.
  • Hatch+Finish mills the pocket in a linear pattern and cleans up the profile at each cutting depth.

Additional parameters of the chosen technology appear under a separate tab with the same name. Switch to the tab to define the additional parameters.


Min. Overlap

This section defines the Overlap of adjacent tool paths in the milling of the pocket. It can be defined as a Percentage of the tool diameter or as a Value.

Final cut

When this check box is selected, only the finish path for the floor area of the pockets is generated, rough machining is not performed. Since the Floor offset parameter is disabled, machining is performed only at the specified pocket depth.

Complete Z-level

This option enables you to define the order of Z-levels machining when several pockets are machined in a single Pocket Operation.

When the Complete Z-level check box is not selected, SolidCAM machines all the Z-levels of the first pocket and then starts the machining of the next pocket.

When the Complete Z-level check box is selected, the machining is performed by the Z-levels; SolidCAM removes material at a specific Z-level in all pockets and then moves to the next Z-level.


Rest material\Chamfer

  • The Rest material option enables you to define parameters to remove the rest material left unmachined after previous operations.

  • The Chamfer option enables you to add chamfers to the edges of machined pockets.


Fillet size for last cut

This option enables you to add a radius to a sharp corner without changing the geometry.


To perform the rough machining of the pocket, you have to specify the offsets on the pocket geometry that will be removed with the finishing cut.

Wall offset – defines the offset that will remain on the pocket walls after the roughing cut.

Island offset – defines the offset that will remain on the pocket islands after the roughing cut.

Floor offset – defines the offset that will remain on the pocket floor after the roughing cut.



This section enables you to perform the finish machining of the pocket.

The Wall check box enables you to perform finishing of the pocket walls. Only wall and islands are finished on the contour. The pocket depth is reduced by the specified floor offset.

The Floor check box enables you to perform finishing of the pocket floor. The finishing cut is executed to remove the floor offset. The specified wall and island offset remain on the pocket contour.

Wall finish

This section contains two options to control the material removal on the last finishing cut.

  • On offset: The finish path is executed at an offset equal to the sum of the tool radius and the finish offset from the tool path of the last roughing cut. The result is a uniform cutting depth (side step) on the last cut, since in the pocket corners the tool is not drawn into the material.

  • On Geometry: The last cutting path is executed exactly on the pocket geometry.



This section enables you to choose how the wall finishing will be performed: at the whole depth or in a number of steps at each step down.

  • Total depth

When this option is chosen, the wall finishing is performed in a single cut at the whole depth.

  • Each step down

When this option is chosen, the wall finishing is performed in a number of successive cuts at each step down.

The options of the Depth section are available only when the wall finishing is performed in the operation (the Wall check box is selected).

Wall finish only

When this check box is selected, the finishing is performed only on the pocket wall; the Floor check box is unavailable.


SolidCAM enables you to define compensation separately for roughing and finishing passes. When the corresponding check box is selected, the tool radius compensation options G4x of the CNC-controller are used in the GCode.

In Pocket Recognition operations, the compensation check boxes are activated when the following conditions are held:

  • Compensation of Rough passes – Wall offset must be greater than 0.

  • Compensation of Finish passes – Finish on the Wall must be enabled.