Multiaxis Machining


SolidCAM provides you with the Multiaxis Machining operation. This operation creates a multiaxis tool path used to rough out pocket-shaped geometries. You can specify the inputs for floor, wall and ceiling surfaces which are used by SolidCAM to create the tool path.

Adding a Multiaxis Machining Operation

In SolidCAM Manager, right-click the Operations header and choose Add Milling Operation > Multiaxis Machining menu to add a Multiaxis Machining operation to your CAM-Part.

Technology types

Using the Technology list - Radial Roughing, Wall Finishing and Floor Finishing, you can specify the inputs for floor, wall and ceiling surfaces which are used by SolidCAM to create the tool path.

Wall Finishing

Floor Finishing

Parameter pages

The parameters of the Multiaxis Machining operation are divided into a number of subgroups. The subgroups are displayed in a tree format on the left side of the Operation dialog box. When you click a subgroup name in the tree, the parameters of the selected subgroup appear on the right side of the dialog box.

    • CoordSys

The Coordsys page of the Multiaxis Machining dialog box is similar to the Coordsys page of other Sim 5-Axis Milling operations.


    • Tool

The Tool page of the Multiaxis Machining dialog box is similar to the Tool page of other Sim 5-Axis Milling operations.






    • Machine control

The Machine control page of the Multiaxis Machining dialog box is similar to the Machine control page of other Sim 5-Axis Milling operations.