Topology Data


Topology enables you to define the geometry of Tool Item components according to the chosen Shape type.

Catalog number

You can assign each component a Catalog number for referencing its catalog resource (if any) in this field.

Shape type

Different components (e.g., Cutter vs. Holder) offer different Shape type options, which determine how you want to specify its geometry. By default, the Shape type is set to Parameter data.

Swap units data

You can assign different unit of measurement data for each tool in any of the defined Tool libraries. The Tool libraries can simultaneously store tools with Metric parameters along with those defined in Inches. This functionality enables you to use tools defined in units different from those of the CAM-Part, without converting the tool parameters into the CAM-Part units. You can choose the units for the tool diameter values and tool lengths separately.

Options are also provided to quickly Swap Units Data (mm to inch and vice versa).

Swapping the units of all parameters at once is permitted with all Shape types (Parameter Data, Sketch (2D) and 3D Model (STL)).

Milling, Drilling and Special Tools defined by the Parameters Data also allow the swapping of Diameters only and Lengths only.

Tool types

This option enables you to make on-the-fly Tool Type changes for Cutter and Shank components. SolidCAM allows you to select the Tool from the drop-down list.

Tool Parameters

Refer Tool Parameters topic for details.

Managing Tool Parameters

  1. To make on-the-fly Tool parameter changes, right-click inside the field of the parameter. You can Swap to/from mm to inch or vice versa. You can also use the Undo, Copy, Cut, Delete and Paste commands. This can be done for each field using the right-click menu.


  1. Place the cursor in the required field on the Tool image, to change its value in the Tool parameters field.

  1. You can change the value in the Tool parameters fields by typing the values in the required field or placing the cursor in the required field and scrolling your mouse wheel to change the value gradually. You can dynamically view this change in the Tool Viewer window as shown.