Tool Table customization

Managing Columns

The columns are prearranged, but ToolKit enables you to customize the Tool Table to suit your needs. You can customize the Tool table with the parameters that you want to appear as columns in the table. You can drag and drop the columns of the Tool Table as per your requirement.

The Tool Table enables us to sort the tools, in ascending or descending order, based on the information in a column, by simply clicking its header. For example, the tool can be viewed by Diameter (smallest to largest and vice versa) or by Tool Type (in alphabetical order) or by the typical Tool Number, and so on…

The right-click menu available in the Tool Table enables you to customize the Tool table. Select the parameters in the right-click menu that you want to appear as columns in the table.

The More command provides you with advanced customization options available in the Choose details dialog box.   

In this dialog box, you can select the tool parameters to appear in the table as well as change their order and set the required column width for selected parameters.

  1. Select the Tool parameters or click the Check all button to select all the available Tool parameters.
  2. You can re-order the positions using the Move up and Move down buttons.
  3. Click the Clear all button to unselect all the Tool parameters.
  4. You can set the required column width for selected parameters in the Width of selected column in pixels field.
  5. Confirm with OK.

By default, the Tool Number, Tool Path Color, Tool Type, Diameter, Description and Tool ID are checked.


Managing Lists/Groups

SolidCAM enables you to manage the List of Tools or in separate Groups with the right-click menu.

Swap Views - enables you to swap the Part Tool Table view with the Tool Item Manager view or vice versa.

View by List/Groups - toggles the view of the Part tool table as a complete List of Tools (View by List) or in separate Groups of Tools for Magazine, Storage, Table etc. (View by Groups).

Renumber Tools - This option enables you to renumber the tools.

Find and Replace - This option displays the Find and Replace dialog box.

Import Tool Assembly From CAD - This option displays the Import Tool Assembly From CAD dialog box.

Managing Tools

SolidCAM enables you to manage the tools with the right-click menu on the Tool List entries.

Swap Views - enables you to swap the Part Tool Table view with the Tool Item Manager view or vice versa.

View by List/Groups - toggles the view of the Part tool table as a complete List of Tools (View by List) or in separate Groups of Tools for Magazine, Storage, Table etc. (View by Groups).

Permanent Tool - If a particular tool is always used in the same magazine position in the Machine, this tool can be marked as Permanent Tool. You can also mark a Tool as a Permanent tool by selecting the Permanent Tool check box in the Quick Data Access section. The Permanent Tool number with suffix P is displayed in bold in the Part Tool Table eg. to mark Tool no.5 as a Permanent Tool. If you use the Renumber Tools function, a tool marked as Permanent Tool is not renumbered.

Mount to- This option enables you to select the mounting position of the Tool. The Tool is placed under the mounting position selected.  

Add Adaptor - enables you to add only the Adaptor manually.

Add Holder - enables you to add the only the Holder manually.

Cut- This option enables you to cut the selected Tool and paste it in the desired location.

Copy- This option enables you to create a copy of the existing Tool.

Copy & Paste- This option enables you to copy and paste the existing Tool.

Paste- This option enables you to paste a copied Tool.

Paste Cutting Point- This option enables you to paste a copied Cutting Point.

Delete- This option enables you to remove the selected Tool from the list.

Delete Cutting Point - This option enables you to remove the selected Cutting Point.

Export- This option displays the Export to File dialog box that enables you to save the Tool in the desired Tool Library.