SolidCAM menu

In the SOLIDWORKS Menu Bar, click Tools to access the SolidCAM menu. The SolidCAM menu contains the following commands:


This command creates a new CAM-Part. According to SolidCAM Settings, the CAM-Part can be created either in the compressed mode or in the non-compressed mode. You can also choose the Internal or External mode of creating the CAM-Part.


This command loads a CAM-Part (compressed or non-compressed) that has been previously saved. According to SolidCAM Settings, the non-compressed CAM-Parts can be converted to the compressed mode. When you choose this option, the CAM-Parts browser is displayed.

  1. Select the CAM-Part you want to load.

  2. Double-click the CAM-Part name or select it and click Open.

The default type for the Files of Type filter is defined in SolidCAM Settings.

If a compressed CAM-Part was created with the previous SolidCAM version, the backup can be performed during the CAM-Part opening, if necessary. The backup is created as a copy of the original file in the Backup of <CAM-Part name> folder.

You can also open CAM-Parts by double-clicking on the *.prt files in the Windows Explorer environment.

Return to the latest used directory

When this check box is not selected, SolidCAM uses the directory defined in SolidCAM Settings as the default location when the browser dialog box is displayed.

When this check box is selected, each time you open a CAM-Part using the Open command in the SolidCAM menu, the browser dialog box is displayed with the last location chosen in the browser.

Save As

This command enables you to save the active CAM-Part to the disk with a new name or in a new location.

Manage Templates

This command enables you to manage your operation and process templates using the Template Manager dialog box.

Calculate CAM-Parts

This command calculates tool paths of all CAM-Parts (compressed and non-compressed) in the specified folder. The Calculate Parts dialog box is displayed.


  1. Click Add Directory
  2. Choose the folder where the CAM-Part is situated via the standard Windows browser.
  3. Click Calculate to start the calculation.

The compressed CAM-Part is extracted into the SolidCAM Temporary folder. The resulting non-compressed CAM-Part is opened by SolidCAM and calculated. The compressed CAM-Part is then updated and the non-compressed CAM-Part is removed from the SolidCAM Temporary folder.


This command creates an identical copy of a CAM-Part in another folder or drive for backup purposes or for making modifications without changing the original. The Copy Parts dialog box is displayed.


  1. Choose the drive from which you want to copy the original CAM-Part.

  2. Choose the CAM-Parts you want to copy from the CAM-Parts list.

  3. Transfer the list of the CAM-Parts you want to copy to the middle field by clicking on the Left to Right arrow.

  4. Choose the drive and the directory you want to copy to.

  5. Click Copy.

This feature is unavailable for compressed files; they can be copied with standard Windows tools.


This command enables you to delete a CAM-Part (compressed and non-compressed). The Part to delete dialog box is displayed.

The Files of type filter enables you to display compressed or non-compressed CAM-Parts. The default filter value depends on CAM Settings.

  1. Select the CAM-Part you want to delete. Use the Ctrl key to select several CAM-Parts together.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. The confirmation message is displayed:

Choose Yes to All to delete all selected CAM-Parts.

Tool Library

This command displays the menu that enables you to manage the Tool libraries.

Fixture library

This command displays the Fixture library dialog box that enables you to define the Fixture library.

SolidCAM Settings

This command displays the SolidCAM Settings dialog box.

Technology Database

This command displays the Technology Database dialog box.

Recent CAM-Parts

This command displays a list of the last CAM-Parts you worked with in SolidCAM. You can open the file by clicking its name.

You can change the number of parts displayed in this list by specifying the Number of recent CAM-Parts parameter in the SolidCAM Settings.

Browse Recent Parts

This command displays the Browse Recent Parts dialog box that contains previews of last opened CAM-Parts. When a part is selected, the path to its location is displayed at the top of the dialog box.

License info

This command displays the License Info dialog box.

Exit SolidCAM

Exit SolidCAM command enables you to exit SolidCAM.

Customize Menu

Customize Menu enables you to include or exclude the commands appearing in the Menu. Use to view the entire list of menus available including the Customize option.


Related Topics

  1. Managing CAM-Parts